
The Best Geek Quotes

From The Board of Wisdom

The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be.

Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
Are belong to you

...and a lot more.

via schatenseite


500 Beine

Bild © http://www.myblog.de/500beine

Vom räudigen Leben, der Wucht und dem Nimbus.

Netzliteratur. Der kann schreiben, der Mann. Feiner Lesestoff.

(via mehrzweckbeutel.de)

'Freiheit' und 'Verantwortung'

"Viele Leute reden zwar von Freiheit, aber nur wenige lieben sie wirklich - und noch weniger lieben die Verantwortung. Das Problem ist, dass die Worte 'Freiheit' und 'Verantwortung' eigentlich das Gleiche bedeuten. Nur bezieht sich 'Freiheit' auf den Moment vor, 'Verantwortung' dagegen auf den Moment nach der Tat. Allen gefällt der Moment davor, weil er voller Möglichkeiten steckt. Danach, wenn man für eine bestimmte Handlung einstehen muss, erlahmt das große Interesse an der Freiheit plötzlich."

(Fernando Savater, Interview in ZeitWissen 01/2006)

Danke, Joschua


anti-telemarketing EGBG counterscript

The Direct Marketing sector regards the telephone as one of its most successful tools. Consumers experience telemarketing from a completely different point of view: more than 92% perceive commercial telephone calls as a violation of privacy.
Telemarketers make use of a telescript - a guideline for a telephone conversation. This script creates an imbalance in the conversation between the marketer and the consumer. It is this imbalance, most of all, that makes telemarketing successful. The EGBG Counterscript attempts to redress that balance.

Good luck!

Auch in Deutsch und sieben anderen Sprachen!



The Edge Annual Question — 2006

The history of science is replete with discoveries that were considered socially, morally, or emotionally dangerous in their time; the Copernican and Darwinian revolutions are the most obvious. What is your dangerous idea? An idea you think about (not necessarily one you originated) that is dangerous not because it is assumed to be false, but because it might be true?

Interesting read. Thanks to J-Walk for this link.